Hi, my name is Jose Hernandez
I'm an aspiring Web Developer.

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About me

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I am currently a senior at Loyola University Chicago pursuing a B.S in Computer Science. Some of my hobbies include: working out, solving puzzles, playing the guitar, space remodeling, and discovering new music. I have a diverse set of skills ranging from HTML + CSS + Javascript, all the way up to adobe software.

I want to become a Web Developer because programming feels like a hobby to me, it makes me feel like I have the power to change the world with the click of a button. Changes one makes to a website can be viewed by millions and have impact on their lives. I enjoy solving problems because it helps me understand the environment, identify opportunities, and allow me to make choices that lead to change.

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Smart Brain

This project was created for a Web Development Course. Smart Brain is a face detection full stack application that allows users to create an account and input an image address; with the help of Clarifai's AI face detection API, the app is able to place a rectangle on the perimeter of the face it detects. I used React and PostgreSQL to create this project. Passwords in the database are encrypted using Bcrypt . The back-end of the application is hosted through Heroku, the front-end is hosted through Netlify.

See Live Source Code Back-end Source Code Language: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PostgreSQL


This project was created for a client-side web development course. Footsteps is a user location based website that provides a simple way to discover well known locations in a city. Google Maps API was used to create the map, markers, and information windows on the index page.The goal was to allow users to create accounts and allow them to like, comment, or save locations to reference later on. That feature is still under construction but the main idea of the project works properly. MongoDB is used to store locations users might want to add to the map; I must approve before redeployment. The application was deployed using Heroku.

See Live Source Code Language: HTML, CSS, Javascript, MongoDB

El Jefe Coffee

This project was created for an independent research credit under Dr. Nicholas Hayward at Loyola University Chicago. El Jefe Coffee is a fictional coffee shop designed by myself that was meant to mimic an e-commerce website. The project includes a variety of coffee drinks and merchandise. It was created with Bootstrap and deployed with Firebase . Being a semester project, I was not able to complete it entirely but I am very fond of the aesthetics.

See Live Source Code Language: HTML, CSS, Javascript


This application was also created for a a web development course, Zero To Mastery. Robofriends creates a card component for every user. It grabs the users from JSON Placeholder, and generates unique robot images using Robohash API. The user is able to search the robots by typing in the search box. React, and Tachyons CSS library were used to create the project. This same idea can be used in the real world to search for followers/friends on social media.

See Live Source Code Language: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Unsplash Infinite Scroll

This web application uses Unplash's API to fetch random royalty free images. Once the bottom of the page is reached, more random images are retrieved through a scroll event listener. The user can click on the image to get redirected to the post on Unsplash.com

See Live Source Code Language: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Othello Board

This project was created for my Operating Systems class. It was built with C, Cmake , and Google Tests . Othello is a strategy board game for two players, played on an 8×8 uncheckered board. Players take turns placing disks on the board with their assigned color facing up. During a play, any disks of the opponent's color that are in a straight line and bounded by the disk just placed and another disk of the current player's color are turned over to the current player's color. The game is played on the terminal, the user has different difficulty levels to pick from. The objective of the game is to have the majority of disks turned to display your color when the last playable empty square is filled.

Source Code Language: C, Terminal

Ceaser Cypher Decryptor

This Project was also created for my Operating Systems class. The user is able to pipe a text file of Ceaser Cypher encrypted text and the program will produce an output text file with the correct decryption key. The program decrypts by line therefore it can handle different encryption keys. A hashtable is implemented to deliver a fast decryption regardless of text file size.

Source Code
Language: C, Terminal

Gravity Rocket

First programming project I created in college. A flappy bird inspired game created on Python shell. Balls are used as obstacles that are generated with a random speeds. The Objective of the game is to avoid colliding with obstacles.

Source Code
Language: Python

Background Generator

This website generates random gradient backgrounds to implement in your css stylesheet. The user can either create their own backgrounds by selecting two colors or randomly generate them at the click of a button. The website returns the property needed for css. The user just has to copy and paste into the background-color: property.

See Live Source Code Language: HTML, CSS, Javascript

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